Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο Εκτύπωση



Ημερίδα του Ιδρύματος Marie Curie για την οδηγία της Ε.Ε. περί διαχειρίσεως του υδατικού δυναμικού


Provisional Program


Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive: Towards Integrated Water Management in Europe*

May 12, 2006

Divani Caravel Hotel

2 Vas. Alexandrou Av.

161 21 Athens


*Sponsored by a Marie Curie fellowship grant—DG Research, European Commission, European Union

May 12, 2006

Morning Panels

National Experiences in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive

The Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the CzechRepublic

Dr. Pavel Puncochar, General Director, Section of Water Management, Ministry of Agriculture, the CzechRepublic

Institutional Mechanisms for Water Management in Hungary

Mr. Gyula Hollo, Head of DepartmentRiver Basin Management, EU Water Director, Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary

The Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Slovakia

Ms. Elena Fatulova, Deputy Water Director, Ministry of Environment, Slovakia

National Experiences in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive

The Implementation Process and the Development of River Basin Districts in Bulgaria

Ms. Lubka Katchakova, Deputy Minister &

Mr. Vladimir Dontchev, Water Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria

The Implementation of Water Framework Directive: Challenges and Opportunities for Greece

Ms. Anastasia Lazarou, Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

The Stage of the Water Framework Directive Implementation in Romania

Dr. Aurora Vasiu, Head of Management Plans Office, National Administration Romanian Waters, Romania

Development of Institutions for the Implementation of the WFD in Slovenia

Ms. Helena Matoz, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia

Afternoon Panels

National and Transnational River Basin Districts and Authorities

Strategies for the Development of an InternationalRiver Basin Management Plan and the Role of the International Commission for the Protection of the DanubeRiver (ICPDR)

Mr. Philip Weller, Executive Secretary, International Commission for the Protection of the DanubeRiver

Strategies and Institutional Organization of the International Scheldt Commission for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive

Mr. Arnould Lefebure, Secretary General, International Scheldt Commission

The Development of the International Sava Commission: Future Challenges and Opportunities

Mr. Zeljko Ostojic, Head of International Cooperation Department, State Water Directorate, Croatia

Cooperation in the TiszaRiver Basin and the Future of Bilateralism in Water Management

Mr. Kalman Papp, International Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Water, Water Center, Hungary

Strategies and Methods of Public Participation

The Danube Tourism Commission as a Stakeholder in the ICPDR Process

Professor Gerhard Skoff, President, Danube Tourism Commission

Public Participation Strategies and Methods: Perspectives of an International Secretariat

Ms. Jasmine Bachmann, Technical Expert, International Commission for the Protection of the DanubeRiver

Public Consultation for the Drafting of the River Basin Management Plans,

Ms. Maria Ghini, Ministry of Development, Greece

Strategies of the European Landowners’ Organization as a Stakeholder in the Water Framework Directive Process

Ms. Leticia Hernando, Legal Advisor, European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)

Strategies and Methods of Public Participation

The Evolution and Current Role of Water Boards in Water Management in the Netherlands

Mr. Rob Uijterlinde, Association of Water boards (UVW), the Netherlands

The Development of Public Participation Procedures in Public Administrations in Europe: A Perspective from the Regional Environmental Center (REC) Hungary

Dr. Eva Csobod, Director REC Country Office, Hungary

Preparing a River Basin Plan for the Ribble Catchment: Lessons Learned and Future Direction

Mr. Daniel Bond, Ribble Pilot Technical Advisor, UK Environment Agency

Concluding Remarks

Dr. Elli Louka, Marie Curie Fellow

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