Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο Εκτύπωση



Συνέδρια 2011


7-10 Jan 2011
Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. Asian Trans-Karst 2011. Asian Transdisciplinary Karst Conference.
INFO: Email: transkarst2011@geo.ugm.ac.id Web: http://geo.ugm.ac.id/trans-karst2011/

27 Mar - 1 Apr 2011
Monaco, MONACO. International Symposium on Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies. Organised by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
INFO: Web: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/Announcements.asp?ConfID=38297

2-5 May 2011
Vienna, AUSTRIA. HydroEco’2011 – 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: Ecosystems, Groundwater and Surface Water – Pressures and Options.
INFO: Email: Hans_Peter.Nachtnebel@boku.ac.at or Karel.Kovar@pbl.nlWeb: http://web.natur.cuni.cz/hydroeco2011/
Abstracts for oral and poster presentation should be submitted online by 14 September 2010.

9-12 Jun 2011
Zloty Potok, POLAND. The Impact of Human Activities on Groundwater. II International Field Workshop for Young Hydrogeologists. Organised by Student's Association of Hydrogeologists “AQUA”, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland.
INFO: Email: awitkows@us.edu.pl
Further details to follow..

1-3 Sep 2011
Besancon, FRANCE. H2Karst, the 9th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology. Organised by Universities of Franche-Comte (France) and Neuchatel (Switzerland).
INFO: Email: h2karst.besancon@gmail.com
Further information and website to follow.

19-21 Sep 2011
Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. Groundwater: our source of security in an uncertain future. GSSA/IAH Conference. Organised by Groundwater Division of GSSA and IAH.
INFO: Email: confplan@iafrica.com Web: http://www.gwd.org.za


19-22 Sep 2011
Leipzig, GERMANY. ModelCare 2011, The 8th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling. Organised by Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research.
INFO: Email: modelcare2011@fu-confirm.de


27-30 Sep 2011
Madurai, INDIA. The Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources with special reference to Hard rock Terrain. IGWC 2011 - 4th International Groundwater Conference.
INFO: Email: navaraj2k1@yahoo.co.uk or mthangarajan@hotmail.com

5-7 Oct 2011
Kalavrita, GREECE. 9th International Hydrogeological Congress of Hellas. Organised by Hellenic Committee of Hydrogeology (Hellenic Chapter of IAH) and Association of Geologists & Mining Engineers of Cyprus.
INFO: Email: nlambrakis@upatras.gr Web: http://www.hydrogeocongress.gr

18-21 Oct 2011
Salta, ARGENTINA. 7th Argentine Congress of Hydrogeology & the 5th Spanish-LatinAmerican Seminar of Modern Groundwater Hydrology Topics. Organised by IAH Argentine Chapter and Dept. of Hydrogeology of Salta University. Sponsored by Sponsored by ALHSUD and IAH Spanish Chapter.
INFO: Email: viiconahi@gmail.com

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