HomeANNOUNCEMENTSΗΜΕΡΙΔΕΣ-ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΑDetails - International Borders - Geoenvironmental Concerns

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International Borders - Geoenvironmental Concerns


Dear Colleagues,

We hereby invite you to take part in the General Symposium G03 Environmental geology, session G-03.11
International Borders - Geoenvironmental Concerns, which will be heldduring the 32nd International Geological Congress in Florence, August 20-28, 2004.

Geological boundaries usually do not coincide with international borders.The use of subsurface resources, pollution of groundwater, or changes inlandscapes near the margin of one country can influence the subsurface environment of its neighbour. This symposium will focus on interdisciplinary issues of geoenvironmental cooperation across international borders (onshore and offshore) and will comprise presentations on case studies, approaches to the identification of geoenvironmental problems, legal aspects, interaction with environmental planning and infrastructure planning, ecosystem monitoring and environment impact assessment across national borders, plus any other relevant topics. The symposium will include both oral and poster sessions and a panel discussion.

Please register and send your abstract for either poster or oral presentation according to the instructions given at http://www.32igc.org
We look forward to receiving your contribution and to meeting you in Florence

Jonas Satkunas (LGT and COGEOENVIRONMENT), Marek Graniczny (PGI, Poland), John Ridgway (BGS, UK): Conveners


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Ιερά Οδός 75,

11855, Βοτανικός

Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
