12-14 Jan 2010
Tampa, USA. North American Environmental Field Conference and Exposition. Organised by Nielsen Environmental Field School.
INFO: Email: info@envirofieldschool.com Web: http://www.envirofieldconference.com
15-17 Mar 2010
Lille, FRANCE. Integrated River Basin Management under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) conference.
INFO: Web: http://www.WFDLille2010.org
22-25 Mar 2010
Muscat, OMAN. Water Sustainability in the GCC Countries. WSTA 9th Gulf Water Conference. Organised by Water Sciences and Technology Association.
INFO: Web: http://www.wstagcc.org
24-26 Mar 2010
Agadir, MOROCCO. Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development. Organised by IAH Moroccan Chapter.
INFO: Email: lbouchaou@yahoo.fr Web: http://www.fsa.ac.ma/gire3d
27-30 Apr 2010
Malaga, SPAIN. IV International Symposium on Karst. Organised by Centre of Hydrogeology, University of Malaga.
INFO: Email: aimarin@uma.es Web: http://www.cehiuma.uma.es
17-21 May 2010
Tainan, TAIWAN. The Third International Congresses (As 2010) “Arsenic in the Environment”. Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases. Organised by Jochen Bundschuh and others.
INFO: Web: http://www.As2010tainan.com.tw
25-29 May 2010
Ohrid, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Conference on Water Observation and Information System for decision Support. BALWOIS 2010.
INFO: Email: secretariat@balwois.com Web: http://www.balwois.com/2010
12-17 Sep 2010
Kracow, POLAND. Groundwater Quality Sustainability. 38th IAH Congress. Organised by IAH Poland NC.
INFO: Email: office@iah2010.org Web: http://www.iah2010.org
20-23 Sep 2010
Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. HydroPredict'2010 -- 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources Management: Changes and Hazards caused by Direct Human Interventions and Climate Change.
INFO: Email: Zbynek_Hrkal@vuv.cz or Hans_Peter.Nachtnebel@boku.ac.atWeb: http://www.natur.cuni.cz/hydropredict2010/
18-22 Oct 2010
Adana, TURKEY. Seventh International Symposium on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean. Organised by Cukurova University.
INFO: Email: jeosempozyum@cu.edu.tr Web: http://www.geology.cu.edu.tr/ISEMG2010/
Ιερά Οδός 75,
11855, Βοτανικός
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα